March 2015 Show and Tell

Here's a look at what our members have been up to. If you made the meeting you would have seen what came out of some HOW classes, Michael Keh's Bitter Tea, a magnificent burl turned by Nate Favors, Bryan Richardson's latest inlay, Linford Sine's bowls, and so much more.  Several folks, including Dan Comisky and Bob Crowe, showed off their stuff and pointed out the benefits, learning and fun that come with taking courses at Bucks.

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Bud Hohfled, Michael Kehs, and Linford Sine share some experiences before the meeting. Gary Hoffman, isn't photo bombing, he's raising his hand to reminds us to renew our memberships! Only about 75% of our membership renewed this year. If you haven't yet please do, it's only $25 for a year of great stuff!  Where else are you going to see award winning turnings, great art and great demonstrators?

This is Michael Kehs' Bitter Tea. This is featured on the prestigious DelMano Gallery's website exhibition called HOT TEA. It's a great piece and great to see in person.

Mark Allen brought along a beautiful alabaster bowl, and asked the question, "What's the best lathe to turn stone on?" Without missing a beat, Michael Kehs says, "Someone else's!" 

The prolific Ron Durr impressed us with his segmented turning, and inventive turnings from a downed yew.  Ron also wasted no time making a salt shaker after Bob Rosand's demonstration. The pepper grinder had an interesting provenance: the working came from a garage sale pepper grinder that Ron rescued and gave a new life to. 

In case you weren't there, Hank Geisenhoner brought in the salt and pepper shakers Bob Rosand made at the last meeting.  Looking for caps and plugs?  Try Peachtree Woodworking Supply or Woodcraft Supply.

Litton Frank brought a walking stick he carved. Litton found a couple of snakes in what was a vine wrapped around this limb. Looking for the turning? Litton mentioned that he turned the eyes of the snakes.

Nate also brought in some yew- natural edge bowls- along with a giant burl. Always amazing!

Bob Crowe had a nice selection of pieces, including a box elder bowl, a hand carved cherry bowl with a CNC machined makers mark inlay in the base- a version of his signet courtesy of Rita Weiner, the shop's ShopBot expert. If you are into carving, you will notice the beautiful hand-carved spoon in Bob's hickory bowl. Bob also talked about using InLace for the turquoise band on one of his bowls. Rita also worked with Bob on that intricate spoon- she programmed and ran the machine, while Bob carved out the machined spoon from the plank and did some final shaping.

When isn't Linford Sine on top of his game. Three great pieces, and check out the feet on the flower decorated bowl. His skillful pyrography is likely to steal your attention away from this elegant detail.

How many of us would be willing to turn this piece? This is not for novices or the faint of heart- but Tom Hauber did it and did it well. Wow!

Bryan Richardson brought in this very effective use of inlay and colored wood laminate.  Those lucky enough to be taking his HOW class with Nate Favors will learn his secrets.

Speaking of HOW, Bob Collins lead off the meeting with a few of his HOW experiences. He made a bowl from a board with Phil Hauser, a steady rest with Gary Hoffman, under Ron Durr's tutelage, and then did a little pyrography with Tom Ganos and Noam Garini at Michael Kehs' HOW. It was evident from the stories told that everyone had a great time. 

And Michael's class commented how awesome Tom's Octopus was...he was kind enough to share it here. Pretty cool!

Here are a couple more responses to the President's Challenge. Phil Hauser took a page from his HOW course and made a board with the kit and then made a "Bowl From a Board." Chris Stone, after suffering an undisclosed upset with one of her attempts, reconfigured what was left and made a min- wine rack. If you tried this challenge you can understand why a few bottles might be missing.

Dan Comisky revealed what was "behind" the story about his hand=carved mirror: he's participating once again in the Naked in New Hope show, put on by Sidetracks Art Gallery. Dan also brought in a beautiful cherry table where the pedestal is an inside out turning.  This is some fine craftsmanship!

Usually Andy DiPietro brings in a magnificent hollow form or more recently a sculptural piece, but he surprised us this month with some of the latest technology that has begun impacting the arts- 3D printing. As an anniversary gift to a co-worker, Andy employed his professional 3D modeling skills to create the electronic version of on of his induction furnaces and then turned the file over to a 3D printer, Shapeways, to create the detailed replica. If you have a sculpture, part or gadget you'd like made, check out their website.

Mike Tanner is on a mission to make a steam bent Jack-in-the-Pulpit. By George, we think he's got it. And we think his secret is try, try, and try again, but notice, too, that cove cut into the bending mandrel.  Mike uses this gap to allow steam to get to the under side of the wood as he bends it to tighter and tighter radii.

Here's one proud Grandpa! Bill Wiest shows off the bowl his grandson, Owen, made during a recent visit. Nice job, Owen, and good job to Bill, as well, for taking the time to teach Owen to turn!