A canine, Christmas tree, frog, woodpecker (in motion!), cardinal and cats! Oh my! Each carved on the lathe and exquisitely decorated. Many of us have known Derek since he started turning and we still shake our heads in amazement at his ability to see and create on the lathe. (Click on the pictures below to enlarge them!)
After a quick introduction, he asked what we’d like to see him make. After a couple of suggestions, the group voted and said they wanted a reindeer. So Derek drew a reindeer.
Then he started turning, as he talked about his philosophy on craving with a lathe and some safety aspects for us to keep in mind, like safety centers, safety gear, and slow speeds especially when he turns off-axis.

To finish off the piece, Derek employed an electric “carving” chain saw, a grinder, and torch!

And here’s the final result!
To see more of Derek’s work, check out his website, Facebook page and YouTube channel. Another great demonstration, thanks Derek!